Garshana is a traditional Ayurvedic dry massage that refreshes and stimulates the skin and lymphatic system, enhancing blood circulation and the release of accumulated toxins. Follow these steps to perform a garshana.

The Garshana is a traditional Ayurvedic dry massage that refreshes and stimulates the skin and lymphatic system, enhancing blood circulation and the release of accumulated toxins. To perform a garshana, you will need natural silk gloves, a soft sponge, or a dry brush that gently removes dead skin layers leaving the skin supple and glowing.

The ideal time to dry brush is in the morning before you shower, so that you can rinse off the impurities loosened by the massage.

Follow these steps to perform the Garshana traditional Ayurvedic dry massage:

  • Massage your entire body, excluding your face, chest, and heart. Aoid sensitive areas and anywhere the skin is broken or inflamed.
  • Use circular strokes on the stomach and joints (shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists, hips, and ankles), and long sweeping strokes on the arms and legs.
  • Apply light pressure where the skin is thin, such as the underarms, and harder pressure where the skin is thicker, such as the soles of the feet.
  • The direction of the stroke should always be toward your heart as this helps drain lymph back to your heart. Massage from your feet upward, continuing up to your torso and on to your neck. Also massage from the hands to the shoulders. Continue for at least five minutes.
  • Complete your Garshana with a shower.
  • To enhance the release of toxins, end with a few cycles of hot then cold water. First turn the water to as hot as you can take it for several seconds, then to as cold as you can tolerate, then back to hot, and so on. This will stimulate the blood circulation and further invigorate the skin.

Learn about the most popular Ayurvedic massage treatments, and find out about availability and pricing at the Chopra Center Spa

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