This Kundalini Yoga sequence supports ideal digestion by increasing energy at the navel point and keeping the digestive organs strong and flexible.

Are you ready to discover your life’s purpose and activate your fullest potential? Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that helps you channel powerful energy and transform your life. And now there is an accessible, easy way to learn how to incorporate these practices into your practice and life. Yoga Journal’s 6-week online course, Kundalini 101: Create the Life You Want, offers you mantras, mudras, meditations, and kriyas that you’ll want to practice every day. Sign up now!

Use this Kundalini Yoga sequence to support ideal digestion and overall health by increasing energy at the navel point and keeping the digestive organs strong and flexible.

The quality of our digestion is the key to health in Ayurveda as well as yogic theory. If digestion is slow and imbalanced, the body is more vulnerable to disease (not to mention uncomfortable due to gas, bloating, constipation, and the like). Most colds and other illnesses are believed to be caused by energy imbalances beginning in the digestive tract.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan supports ideal digestion by increasing the fire energy at the navel point and evenly distributing it throughout the body. It also works to keep the digestive organs strong and flexible, allowing for easier elimination.

“In many exercise traditions, the abdomen is held rigid,” says Sat Jivan Kaur Khalsa, co-director of Kundalini Yoga East in New York City. “In Kundalini Yoga, the goal is to have a flexible abdomen that’s also strong, which has a significant beneficial impact on your digestion.” Try the following Kundalini Yoga exercises as taught by Yogi Bhajan to promote optimum health.

5 Kundalini Exercises for Better Digestion

Sat Kriya

Sat kriya stimulates your navel point, or third chakra, while balancing your first and second chakras. This act stabilizes your lower triangle. “All three of the lower chakras need to be in harmony so one doesn’t dominate another,” Sat Jivan Kaur says. “When the navel point is balanced and stimulated, the sense of self can resurrect. It grounds you, allowing for better digestion and elimination.”

Sit on your heels with your knees together. Stretch your arms over your head with elbows straight, until your arms hug the sides of your head. Interlace all of your fingers except your index fingers. Men cross the right thumb over the left. Women cross the left thumb over the right. Stay firmly seated on your heels and keep your spine straight throughout the kriya.

Begin to chant “Sat Naam” with a constant rhythm of about eight times per 10 seconds. As you pull your navel in and up toward your spine, chant “Sat” from your navel point. As you relax your belly, chant “Naam.” Keep your eyes closed and focus at the third eye point at the root of your nose.

CONTINUE FOR 3 minutes with a steady rhythm. Let your breath regulate itself.

TO END Inhale and gently squeeze your muscles from your buttocks all the way up along your spine. Hold it briefly as you concentrate on the area just above the top of your head. Exhale completely. Inhale. Exhale totally and hold your breath out as you apply a firm Mahabandh (contract your anus and sex organs drawing them up while drawing the navel point in toward the spine, lift your diaphragm, lift your chest to lock in your chin, and squeeze all the muscles from your buttocks up to your neck). Hold your breath out for 5–20 seconds. Inhale and relax.

See also 30-Minute Kundalini Practice to Rev Up Your Metabolism

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