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Root Lock and Awakening Your Kundalini

The New Moon at zero degrees Leo is conjunct Mars at 2 degrees Leo. The Sun and Mars are at exact conjunction July 26 at 4 degrees Leo. Their conjunction marks a new cycle in relationship to Mars themes — the masculine, motivation, will, vitality, passion, and directed, intentional action. Elevated Mars is the Warrior of…

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The Shortest Route to Enlightenment

The Tao says that the shortest route to enlightenment is non-judgment. This phrase has churned in my psyche since I first read it about 25 years ago. The 2016 U.S. Presidential election results have reminded me again of this wisdom. One thing that hit me during this election is the universality of opinions and how popular perceptions…

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33 Virtual Field Trip Ideas For Kids

We might be stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go exploring on field trips… virtual field trips, that is! We’ve rounded up 33 educational virtual field trips your kids can take to explore their interests: 🌏Where do you want to go today? Africa: Learn how people and nature work together in the deserts…

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5 Pre-Run Yoga Poses

Why strike yoga poses before a run? Not only can they help build your foot strength, they can also increase your mental power. Add these five postures to your warm-up routine. Doing yoga before a run can help you get stronger muscularly and mentally, prevent injuries, and even improve your speed. Try these five yoga…

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9 Yoga Poses for Runners

There are many yoga poses that can release tightness and help prevent injury for runners—the trick is getting the right combination of poses to stretch, strengthen, lengthen, and support your running muscles. Start with these. It’s no secret that running helps keep you fit. However, unless you take care of those legs, knees, and hips…

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7 Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body

When you’re feeling tired and weighed down, try these seven yoga poses to detoxify your body—and reboot your mind. When you feel tired and weighed down by stress, a lack of exercise, and poor food choices, give your body and mind a reboot with a detox. A detox doesn’t always mean a rigorous diet, juice…

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Why Savasana Is the Hardest Yoga Pose

Savasana might look like a nap, but it’s actually a fully conscious pose aimed at being awake, yet completely relaxed. Learn how to quiet the mind and body to achieve Savasana. Savasana might look like a nap at the end of your yoga practice. But it’s actually a fully conscious pose aimed at being awake, yet…

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The 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga unite mind, body, and spirit to raise you to higher levels of consciousness. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga integrate 5,000-year-old Vedic wisdom with modern yogic interpretations, creating a daily yoga practice to help you unite body, mind, and spirit. Based on the teachings presented in Deepak Chopra and David Simon’s…